User:Sabine's Sunbird/fridge door
This page is a place to stick all the stuff I have placed in wikipedia. In many ways like the awful pictures I drew as a child that never ended up on a fridge door. Enjoy, if you can...
Tristram's Storm-petrel on Tern Island
Hawaiian Monk Seal and Laysan Albatross on Tern Island beach.
Toothbrush regurgitated by albatross on Tern Island
A Masked Booby with a chick
Sooty tern chick
Sooty Tern flying over colony.
Female Great Frigatebird on East Island
Black Noddy calling from Tournefortia sp on Tern Island
Sunbird! Yay!
Aulon Island, Arch Rock and Sugarloaf, as seen from SEFI
The Farallon Islands are the breeding colony for half the world's population of Ashy Storm-petrels
Cassin's Auklets are one of 5 auk species on the island
Saddle Rock, or Seal Rock, lies to the south of SEFI
160,000 Common Murres nest on the Farallones
Pigeon Guillemot on the Farallon Islands
Maintop, as seen from SEFI
The north shore of Maintop, with the Drunk Uncle Islets and the wreck of the SS Henry Bergh.